Answering your FAQs

If you have any questions about our funding or application process, this is a good place to start. And if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please just ask our team.


Who do you fund?

We award grants to charities or organisations, large or small, with charitable status (or equivalent). If you’re not sure if you’re eligible, use our eligibility checker.

Can I apply for funding for myself?

If you have charitable status, then you’re welcome to apply.

What things don’t you fund?

Our grants can’t cover certain costs, such as VAT or purchasing land or property. Please ask if you’d like more detail about any specific things we don’t fund in your project category.

Do you fund Community Interest Companies?

No, we only fund charities or organisations with charitable status (or equivalent). 


Where do you fund?

We welcome applications from the North West, South West and Severn Valley areas, to support communities where we work.

Do I ask for a specific amount?

No, we simply want to know the total cost of your project and the amount you still need to raise towards it.

How much do you award?

The size of our grants varies greatly, depending on the type of project and what it’s aiming to achieve.

Do you offer match funding?

We don’t offer match funding at the moment.


How do I apply?

Please see our ‘How to apply’ section above. Once you have checked that your project is eligible, you can submit your application via our online application form.

When should I apply?

Our funding applications will be open from September 2024. The Trustees meet frequently to consider new applications.

Do you comment on draft applications?

We can’t formally provide comments on individual draft applications due to the number of applications we receive. However, we’re always happy to answer your questions via email.

Who should I address my application letter to?

Please submit your application online. If you need to attach a cover letter from the Chief Executive (or equivalent) of your organisation, please address this to our Chairman, Bill Ainscough.

Do I have to apply online?

It’s usually more convenient for both you, and us, to submit your application online. If this is not possible, please contact us and we can arrange for you to apply another way.

Do you give feedback?

We can’t provide detailed feedback on your individual application due to the number of applications we receive.

How will my application be assessed?

We are committed to careful review and have a rigorous assessment process. This may include a review of your organisation’s finances, as well as expert assessment by our trustees.

Although our review process is rigorous, we want our application process to be as ‘light touch’ as possible, so we only ask for relevant information that will help us assess your application.

How soon can I reapply after receiving a grant?

Please wait three years between the date an award is offered (not paid) and submitting another application.

We do not consider applications for a project that we have already supported, so your future application would need to be for a different project.